We already celebrated Christmas, but do we really know the true meaning behind this celebration?
For us teens, we actually feel so excited when we hear about Christmas.Why? because during this time we receive gifts from our friends, loved ones, and from our parents.During this time we can get all that we wanted to have. Do you think this is the real essence of Christmas?
Why don't we try to celebrate our Christmas in a very simple way. For God showered us so much blessings, I think we should do something in return. To open our doors to the needy, we should learn to share. This is the right time for us to spread the gift of love.
Christmas is not mine to celebrate, or should I say its yours, rather its ours to enjoy.
Christmas is the right time for sharing and sharing is the least that we can do. Christmas is about us,our family,about peace, receiving Jesus Christ in our hearts, and about love for everybody.